Monday, September 30, 2019

Michael Pintard

Michael C. Pintard distinctively writes his poems in an interpretive style. His style affects his readers by allowing them to contemplate on the true reason and meaning of the words, phrases and or expressions used in his poems. An example of his interpretive style is seen in one of his poems titled ? Steel Boot Action Whup?! , where as he uses his poetry skills and diction to generate phrases and made up vocabulary to emphasize his point on the matter. The tone detected in the poem ?Steel Boot Action Whup?! is an irated tone because the overview of the poem is that Michael Pintard is in an unhappy mood and wants to take physical action against whomever he sees a problem with. For example in lines 6 through 10 it is determined that he want to seek revenge on rapists who caused harm to others by kicking them in both of their heads. The action of kicking someone is repeated throughout the poem also to emphasize the title of the poem that relates to a steel boot that is a type of footwe ar.The irated tone of the poem creates a tense mood for the readers because Michael Pintard bluntly expresses his idea of taking physical actions against people or type of people mentioned in the poem. The way the sentences are structured in the poem also gives us an idea that Michael Pintard likes to emphasize his trains of thought, that can be seen in lines 4,5,39 and 40 where he detaches words such as ? senseless? and? into?. Overall, the message of the poem, seeking revenge is well received because of the choice of style and tone Mr. Pintard wrote the poem in and expressed his ideas.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Democratic Theory Essay

The concept of democracy has developed through the theories that different personalities have created. Among the most notable individuals that gave substantial contribution to democracy are Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau through their social contract theory. The social contract theory serves as a foundation in the establishment of the major tenets of democracy. The social contract theory of Thomas Hobbes is affected by his belief regarding human nature. Hobbes deems that people are living in a state of nature wherein each individual has a right to everything in the world. However, this could become chaotic as people have varying and often times conflicting interests. As such, this kind of situation will eventually lead to conflict. In relation to this, he asserts that people should surrender their natural rights to a sovereign authority that will be responsible in protecting them against a life that is â€Å"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short† (Friend). He also states that the abuses of power by this sovereign authority should be accepted in exchange for peace (Friend). On the contrary, the social contract theory of John Locke is different from Hobbes as he believes that the state of nature is not a state without morality. It is pre-political as there is no civil authority or government, but it is not pre-moral because people are regarded as equal with one another in the state of nature and they are capable of discovering the law of nature, which is the basis of all morality. Individuals in this state of nature would come together and surrender their rights to the public power of a government in order for this body to punish those who transgress the law of nature. Another difference of Locke’s theory from Hobbes is that he does not believe that the abuses of power of a supreme authority should not be tolerated, rather the people has the right to reject an abusive government and return to the state of nature to be able to construct a better governing body (Friend). Jean Jacques Rousseau’s social contract theory is largely influenced by the enlightenment age as it was created during that time. Roseau asserts that humans are essentially free in the state of nature but the progress of civilization made people infringe upon the liberty of others through economic and social inequalities. In this sense, he believes that people should have an agreement to come together through the social pact wherein individual persons become collective in surrendering their individual rights and freedom and transfer it to a single body. This single body is composed of the people that are directed towards the common good of the people. As such, the government in Rousseau’s theory is authorized through the general will of the people, which is regarded as a direct form of democracy. His theory is different from Hobbes and Locke because of his idea of respecting the individual will and still allowing them to assemble themselves to form a general will that will embody all the people concerned (Friend). Despite the fact that democracy is regarded as one of the ideal forms of government, it still has its corresponding problems. One of the most notable dilemmas in a democratic system is that the minority is sometimes put in a disadvantageous position as the will of the majority reigns supreme. Another predicament is the ability of the people to vote for the right officials that they will elect in the government. Voting wisely requires people to have the necessary knowledge and ability to discern the right candidates that they will choose. However, this becomes difficult especially for countries where people are illiterate and could be easily influenced by propaganda (Haarsma and Kuchling). Works Cited Friend, Celeste. 2006. â€Å"Social Contract Theory. † The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 10 June 2009 . Haarsma, Loren. , and Kuchling, Andrew Mark. 10 February 1992. â€Å"Problems with Democracy. † 10 June 2009 .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discussion Board 8-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Discussion Board 8-1 - Essay Example Computer is an important test instrument that helps in easy analysis of test results. Additional insight is that merging the various test and assessment tools can help in achieving accurate results about test-takers. In the future, counselors should advocate for creation of advanced computer software with capabilities of synchronizing with various tolls such as interviews, role-plays and case history data to perform quick analysis of results. Computer has proved to be an essential instrument for any kind of work. It has the capability of multitasking and processing large volumes of data at fast speed. It is for the reasons that there is need for development of software programs that can process interview results, case history data, and videos of role play, and perform analysis to produce accurate results about conditions affecting special groups (Cohen, Swerdlik & Sturman, 2013). The Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) mostly used for individuals with co-occurring disorders should be installed in tablet and laptop computers for use during assessments. The installation should be in such a manner that computer process results upon marking of the items evident in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Trevor comes to see the doctor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Trevor comes to see the doctor - Assignment Example With time, the production of insulin becomes insufficient, leading to similar symptoms as type 1 Diabetes, which may be either gradual or asymptomatic. The patient is 61years and he has lived in Sydney for most of his life until he was 50 years, when he decided to relocate to his rural place. He leads a sedentary lifestyle and he has not undertaken physical exercises since he was a teenager. In addition, he faces the problem of lacking proper and healthy diet at home, mainly because he does not have a choice of the food he eats but has to accept what his wife prepares for him; occasionally, she provides him with steak and chips from fast food outlets. Risk factors he is involved in include heavy smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and having no control on his diet. The exercise regime is poor, although he admits taking brisk walks at home under pressure from his partner, a ritual that he does not enjoy due to physical discomfort of the exercise and lacks of endurance. He was once asked to be tested for diabetes type 2 but he declined. The physical assessment reveals raised blood pressure and blood sugar while lung field sounds are compro mised but can be heard. Other vital signs tested included heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and oxygen, which are normal routine checks for his clinical presentation. The initial results from physical assessments make the doctor to order further test for serum cholesterol and fasting blood to confirm the diagnosis. Investigation reveals raised serum cholesterol and a high fasting blood sugar, which points to the indication of Ischemic Heart Disease and Type 1 Diabetes. From the initial assessment, the patient’s lifestyle predisposed him to the risks of the diseases. The physical exam revealed that the patient could not endure resistance exercise, smokes heavily, and has never been mindful of his diet. Random blood sugar is abnormal, and the vital respiratory signs are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Ladder of Citizen Participation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Ladder of Citizen Participation - Case Study Example Tangent basically comprises studio practice and field practice, where the former includes architectural design and consultation, while the latter deals with the design, participatory place-making, make workshops, and also planning. Both the components involve the company’s work with students and professionals belong to different fields such as design, education, performance, carpentry, and emergency shelter building as well as a variety of community groups. For my internship, I worked with two of my classmates as a team to provide assistance to Sally in terms of completing two projects in a deadline of three weeks, and more projects for the remaining two weeks. The majority of time was spent working at Sally’s private studio in Centrespace, while the remainder was spent working in UWE. The first project involved helping the Architecture Centre in Bristol to set up an exhibition for May 1st, in terms of celebrating Bristol’s victory of being the European Green Capital 2015. The main idea behind this event was to bring people together through the exhibition, workshops talks and other activities in order to provide a forum to discuss and come up with solutions to maintain a more sustainable future (The Architecture Centre, 2015). The second project, on the other hand, revolved around collaboration with the history department in UWE, in order to hold the event ‘Crafts Walk’ for the 7th of June. This walk that will be held within the Bristol historic center is aimed at restoring the value of historic monuments so as to revitalize the old culture and traditions in a better light. The main focus of these projects was on different theories of planning, and after the undertaking of this internship, I have been able to gain an in-depth understanding of planning in its practical aspect. This experience has rendered good insight into the world of planning, and this will significantly help me to make up better plans and take better planning decisions in my future.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Argumentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Argumentation - Essay Example While many experts decry the negative effects of global warming, it is in fact turning out that global warming is a good phenomenon going by its numerous positive benefits. Scientists note that the earth’s temperature is rising undoubtedly as a result of the greenhouse effect. The atmosphere is saturated with carbon dioxide that traps heat leading to a steady increase in the earth’s temperature and consequently, changes in climate. This carbon dioxide does not come from outer space but from burnt fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal. The other factor contributing to global warming and climate change is the rate at which forests are lost, especially within the tropics as a result of deforestation. Scientists are overwhelmingly in agreement that global warming is a reality and that human activities are its main causes. (Union of Concerned Scientist par 6-7). According to scientists, each year, for the past 37 years, has been warmer than the average temperature of all the years in the 20th century. In the United States, the 12 warmest years have occurred since 1998 with 2012 standing out as the hottest years. Since the late 1800s there has been an increase of more than one degree Fahrenheit on the average surface temperature of the earth. The past three decades have experienced the lion’s share of this increase (Union of Concerned Scientist par 4-6). The current decade has been the warmest since 1880. Scientists note that the earth could experience a 7.2 degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature in the 21 century if nothing is done to curb global warming. This would be the case if emissions from fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which are the main culprits, not reduced. Scientists are worried that a number of negative consequences in relation to global warming are quite evident (Natural Resource Defence Council par1). For one, weather

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International, Global, and Domestic Business Coursework

International, Global, and Domestic Business - Coursework Example Likewise, DAE ensures that associated employees and organizations do not gain financial benefit by performing illegal acts and property that is utilized in the process. During one of the cases that were covered by an audit company $420 million cash was recovered from employees and organizations involved in illegal drug activities. DEA is a principal department that is capable of forfeiture of seizing cash during any drug enforcement investigations. However, other local agencies associated with law enforcement can also seize cash during their drug enforcement operations and the money is transferred to a federal agency i.e. DAE. After receiving the seized cash, DAE follows federal forfeiture laws in which, 80% amount of the seized money is utilized for law enforcement purpose, however, there are some cases when the money is utilized by General Revenue Fund. Baselines or minimum-security standards for practitioners are addressed in the Title 21 CFR 1300 that is utilized for evaluating security. However, it is not necessary that they can provide adequate protection by deploying effective controls and procedures for ensuring safety against theft of the controlled substances require a safe place, as per distributor’s requirements. Likewise, the same perspective is applicable to other experts, as all the security controls will be investigated to evaluate the compatibility as per laws and regulations for ensuring theft protection. Moreover, baselines or minimum standards for experts dealing with controlled substances require a safe vault or room made from foolproof security. Likewise, pharmaceuticals provide options for storing controlled substances by encapsulating or hiding them amongst available stock that is categorized as non- controlled substances. However, there are no details provided for construction of a secure vault or location, only the intent of the law is visible i.e. controlled substances must be appropriately protected. Consequently,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Prevention of Wound Infection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Prevention of Wound Infection - Essay Example Hands must be decontaminated with alcohol based product after contact with body fluids, excretions, mucous membrane contact, no intact skin contact, or wound dressings as long as hands are not visibly soiled. After contact with a patient's intact skin (as when taking a blood pressure) it also should be used. When it is necessary to move from a contaminated body site to a non-contaminated body site, before caring for patients with neutropenia, before putting on sterile gloves for inserting catheters, when helping with any procedure, and after removing gloves. Hand wash between every patient, when hands are visibly dirty and when cannot tolerate alcohol based products ( Standard precautions should be used with every patient, whether there is infection or not. The tenet accepted here is that all patients are colonized with some organism which you do not want to carry to the other patient (Edmonston, Krepe, WIlson,, 2008). Using standard precautions means the use of gloves, and other barriers when necessary and Hand Washing. It also includes proper handling of patient care equipment and linen, environmental control, prevention of injury with sharps, and how patients are placed when admitted to a facility. When it becomes necessary, standard precautions must move to isolation precautions. Isolations precautions are determined by ... If a wound becomes infected, it is contact (Smeltzer, Bare, Hinkle, & Cheever, 2008). In the case of surgical wound or other clean wound, however, there is more that will need to be done, that is called aseptic technique. They include the use of only sterile materials within the sterile field. Sterile surfaces and articles may touch other sterile surfaces only. If they touch any other area, they are no longer sterile. Knowing when to use sterile supplies and knowing when to use clean supplies becomes very important. Changing a surgical dressing correctly and keeping the area clean is important, as well as keeping the overall patient and bedding clean. Policies are must be in place to assure that everyone is following wound care techniques as determined to be the best at all times. Proper hygiene for the nurse and all other healthcare workers is mandatory. Educating the patient as well as far as keeping hands away from dressing and washing hands often or using alcohol based solution and not laying things across a dressing. Disposal of rubbish is important using the proper technique and doing it often, especially if there is any kind of matter that contains any drainage or dried blood. Nutrition is not often thought of but patients do poorly and get infections faster if their nutritional status is not good. It may be important to supplement the patient that is unable to eat because of surgery, for example. The patient who has had abdominal surgery may need PPN or TPN to keep his protein levels high enough to help him heal. Moving the patient quickly not only stimulates circulation and bowel action but also helps the patient to prepare to go home faster and it is well know that being out of the hospital is the best thing for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How to Be a Successful Working Student Essay Example for Free

How to Be a Successful Working Student Essay How to Be a Successful Working Student To work while studying is something that will really stress you out if you don’t know how to manage your time and settle your priorities. Your life, your work, your relationships all seem to conspire to deny you the time needed to do the reading, the writing, and the classes needed to complete your course of study, or so it seems. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to punish yourself and neglect the enjoyment that is offered by student life. As for me, now that I have to balance my work and my studies, I follow some guiding principles so that as much as possible I would not sacrifice my performance in school and in my work. There are a lot of things to consider before I decide on how I will spend an hour, a minute, or a moment of my day but to manage time does not mean about getting more time, it is about using it more effectively. We can’t control time, but we can always settle what to do with it. Planning my day ahead and knowing what my limitations are, I try to follow a scheduled time so that I won’t be trapped in a situation that is already out of my control. And with other obligations, I know that I have less study time than those students who can spend full-time on study. So, I know that I have to maximize it. There are times here and there which I use to maximize my time. For example, reading a course material on the commute, during the meal break at work, while waiting for the class to start, or in other spare minutes. Since these pockets of times are short-spare time in between tasks, I make my reading materials in a handy format. Then, as much as possible, I try to connect with others. I know that I should not take it all by myself. A good way to combat stress and loneliness is to seek out the company of people whom you know you can have a good time and share your problems with. Those â€Å"pieces of gold†, or the positive and enjoyable moments could lift up my spirits and help me to begin to see things in a new and balanced way. And lastly, I learn to always see things positively. That is a rule of thumb, because if I allow myself to be consumed by negative thoughts, it will only leave me depressed and would not be able to cope up with what my schedule asks of me. To always ask GOD for guidance and acknowledging that I cannot do things by my own. I just always remind myself that I am a student who is working, not a worker who is studying. I always put my studies first before anything because I know that it is one thing that I can hold on in the long run. To work while studying is one opportunity that I know I should be thankful, so now that I am already in this situation and is handling more responsibility, I just see this as a chance to grow and become more of a better, mature person. Any working student may agree with me that it is really hard to balance school and work, so to those who are committing their time fully to their studies, do not envy us when we receive our salaries. Just be grateful because time cannot be bought. That’s one thing that I have learned since I started to become a working student.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sociology of Humor Essay Example for Free

Sociology of Humor Essay Humor is an important part of everyday interaction. It serves mainly as a social lubricant that creates a lighter atmosphere between a speaker and an audience. Provided that it is not provoke offensive behavior, humor can be used as a first step towards building individual relationships. A more relaxed ambiance between people, in turn, is conducive to friendliness. In the sociological context, however, humor has more important functions. It allows people to express their innermost feelings and opinions without offending a given status quo. In addition, it operates as a coping mechanism by paving the way for the normalization of crises. Lastly, it is a means of transmitting group culture to new members (Drew, Mills and Gassaway, 2007). What’s So Funny? The Foundation and Dynamics of Humor Humor is the result of â€Å"(the divergence between) the conventional and the unconventional† (Macionis and Gerber, 2008). A joke is regarded as funny when its reinterpretation of a protagonist or an event sharply contrasts those of preexisting concepts and schemata (Kubovy, 2003). But the teller of the gag must be able to specifically point out this difference at the proper time (Macionis and Gerber, 2008). Otherwise, the yarn might not be able to fulfill its objective of generating humor. The listener, meanwhile, must be able to identify and understand the conflicting elucidations of a given reality in the joke that is being told to him or her. Reconciling these opposing interpretations is the only way he or she can understand the gag. Comprehending the yarn, in turn, satisfies the listener in the sense that he or she receives an â€Å"insider† status (Macionis and Gerber, 2008). He or she establishes rapport with both the teller of the joke and all the other people who understand it as well. It must be noted, however, that a funny joke is entirely different from a demeaning one. Humiliating jokes in general are thinly disguised statements of intolerance against other races, ethic backgrounds, religions, the opposite gender and or individuals of different sexual orientations (Voors, 2000). These gags convey their message of hatred usually by perpetuating negative stereotypes about parties that are deemed to be different. Below are some examples of demeaning jokes: a. Question: What is the difference between a Jew and a meat pie? Answer: A meat pie does not scream when it is put in the oven. b. Question: Why is a woman’s pussy like a warm toilet seat? Answer: They both feel good, but you wonder who was there before you. c. Question: What is the difference between a Catholic priest and acne? Answer: Acne does not come on a boy’s face until he is 12 years old. The Functions of Humor It would be fair to say that humor operates as a â€Å"safety valve† in human interactions (Macionis and Gerber, 2008). Even the most taboo subjects become discussable when jokes are made about them. Its desensitizing ability likewise allows humor to become a non-threatening means of understanding the culture of a given society. Gags, after all, can express sentiments that might be dangerous to relationships within a certain society when discussed seriously. Satire: Humor as a Cynical Commentary on Society Satire is one of the most popular forms of humor. Its fame stems largely from the fact that it can ridicule the cruelest tyrants without the danger of retaliation. The Zairians, for instance, came up with the following joke to criticize the incompetent, corrupt and repressive regime of their former leader Mobutu Sese Seko: Get yourself a leopard hat like the late Zairian President Mobutu wore, as Africans believe that their leaders are untamed lions, tigers or leopards. (p. 29) By turning social issues such as political scandals and state repression of mass media into objects of comedy, the satirical pun also succeeds in convincing apolitical groups to ponder about the real state of their nation. Indeed, in the context of satire, euphemism and laughter are the most effective means of unveiling inconvenient truths. People, after all, will not react negatively to a joke unless they have something to hide. Don’t Worry, Be Happy Humor is likewise an effective method of stabilizing predicaments. Jokes that focus on particular professions validate this observation. The gag below pokes fun at how law enforcers deal with hardened criminals: A local policeman had just finished his shift one cold November evening and was at home with his wife. â€Å"You just wont believe what happened this evening, in all my years on the force Ive never seen anything like it.† â€Å"Oh yes dear, what happened?† â€Å"I came across two guys down by the canal, one of them was drinking battery acid and the other was eating fireworks.† â€Å"Drinking battery acid and eating fireworks! What did you do with them?† â€Å"Oh that was easy, I charged one and let the other off.† (n. pag.) It is very obvious that being a cop is a very dangerous job. Most criminals that cops come across with will not hesitate to use violence just to be able to escape arrest. Getting injured or killed in the line of duty is already a fact of life for a law enforcer. Humor, therefore, allows cops to share common experiences and raise job-related concerns that might not be expressed properly in a more somber setting. In the process, group solidarity is promoted – they are able to share a communal relationship by laughing at each other without malice. Furthermore, they get the assurance that they are not alone in their work-related dilemmas (Drew, Mills and Gassaway, 2007). A Funny Welcome Jokes that tackle the norms of a society can actually provide valuable insights on its culture. Norms, after all, reflect what a community considers to be right and wrong. Readers can learn a thing or two about Russian norms and culture in the following joke: The math teacher calls Petya up to the blackboard. â€Å"Imagine that your father has borrowed a hundred rubles from a neighbor,† says the teacher, â€Å"and has promised to give the money back in two weeks. The first week he gives back forty rubles. How much would he give back the second week?† â€Å"None at all,† replies Petya. â€Å"What do you mean, ‘none at all’?† the teacher asks, surprised. â€Å"You werent listening properly. Let me repeat: imagine that your father has borrowed a hundred rubles and promised to repay the money in two weeks. The first week he gives back forty rubles. How much would he give back the second week?† â€Å"None at all!† repeats Petya. â€Å"Oh, Petya,† the teacher is annoyed. â€Å"You dont know the simplest arithmetic!† â€Å"And you dont know my father†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (n. pag.) This gag reveals the communal nature of Russian culture. Centuries of agricultural village life and decades of communist rule instilled in Russians the collective mentality. They are therefore bound by tradition to help one another without expecting anything in return. In Russian culture, in fact, being asked by someone to do a favor for him or her is an indicator that you have a close relationship with him or her. For the Russians, being asked to do a favor for others is a sign of dependability and trustworthiness (Kwintessential, n.d.). Conclusion Humor is more than just a social lubricant that creates a lighter atmosphere between a speaker and an audience. It likewise serves as a venue for people to discuss important concerns in a non-threatening manner. By laughing at each other and at their problems without ill intent, they are able to instill among themselves a sense of unity. Even by just making fun of their predicaments, they are already exerting a collective effort to do something about these. But while laughing at grave matters is good, it is still much better to actually solve them. After the amusement has died down, the hungry still has to be fed, the sick still has to be treated and the criminals have to be made to face their crimes. When people live in a safe and just society, they are happy because really feel so and not because they just want to run away from their problems. In the process, their laughter would be merrier and more genuine.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Manpower Planning in the Hospitality Industry

Manpower Planning in the Hospitality Industry Manpower Planning Manpower planning can be defined as the development of plan to meet the supply of worker to the availability of job at an organisation. Manpower planning involves reviewing the current manpower resource, and forecasting the future requirement of manpower. the main objective of manpower planning is to making sure the requirement of supply of individuals and skill to meets demand. This is a responsibility of the Human Resource Manager to make sure the organisation meets with the demand of manpower. Human Resource Manager when conducting a interview with the candidate has to make sure that candidate should meet the requirement of the job, like his education and qualification, Training and Experience, Personal Attributes. Source :- Need of Manpower Planning Marriott gives a lot of importance to manpower planning, as they have to decide for next couple of years how many employees do they require as a plan for expansion, right for the entry level to managerial position. This will help the organisation to expand their business. Employer can plan their Labour cost and work according to it. By Recruiting new candidates will the help the organisation with new and unique ideas which will help the company to gain more market share. IT helps in internal growth of the employee within the organisation. Manpower planning helps the company to have right number employees to meet their demand. Labour Market Strategy:- The labour Market for Marriott is fluctuating, it keeps on changing as per the customer trend, but manpower strategy helps Marriott to work on a plan to calculate how many staff they require during busy time. There are four external factors which influence on the supply and quality of labour in an organisation. It is called as PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technology) PEST Analysis is a useful tool in understanding for companies development and its position in market, it also helps to understand the prospective direction for the business, The pest analysis is a contraction of political, Economic , Social, Technology , Legal, Environment. Political :- The Changes in the government policy may affect the organisation in many ways, in early this year the government changed in Value Added Service to 17.5%, changes in national minimum wage Marriott has a organisation will have to re-plan their strategies for labour cost, changes in government policies and taxation will hamper expansion plans Marriott Economic:- Due to the Global Economic crisis , most of organisation including Marriott had to made severe changes in their development plan and labour strategies. Due to recession organisations are controlling the labour cost as the demand as gone down. Most of the organisation are facing problem of excess labour, there is more supply labour available than the demand, More than 2 million people are jobless in Britain. Social :- Marriott has to be updated with the current customer trend, Organisation has to be aware of demographic changes such as:- age, population, region. To make any changes in their policies, Marriott has introduced Graduate Programme Development Opportunities for meeting the demand for manpower. Technology: Marriott is been innovative and is spending good amount from the profit towards technology or alternative ways of service for e.g.:- online booking, self check in and checkout. Such innovation needs skilled workers and there is a tremendous opportunity for skilled workers. Marriot by Using of new technology helps proper utilization of manpower of the organisation.   [Google docs slide manpower planning Maria P]   Factors to be Considered in by Marriott to estimate the demand for manpower Organization expansion- The organization looks for expansion of business in future to meet the expectation of customer. The future plan of Marriott is look to accommodate the tourist customer in their hotel for Olympic as these can create the future demand for labour. When the expansion of the organization is more then supply and demand needs to balance. The expansion is major factor for demand for labour in future. Internal demand- The internal demand can be promotion and dismal can be the factor for organization to create the demand and supply for labour. The top management and human resource also plays the major part for demanding the labour, such as recruitment of staff requirement to met the expansion their growth. Economic factor- The economic factor plays the important role in demanding the future labour. The economic growth can create the average spending power of the customer. The business can be expand as hospitality industry has invested more during the recession as the land rate has been drop and labour cost also. The strong economic of every country can create demand for labour Salary and Benefits: The Salary and benefits can be one of the factors that can demand the manpower for future. The marriot are providing with better and higher pay with benefit were most of the employee are attracted towards Marriott. They are providing better benefit then their competitor so that they can create a demand for manpower in future with this policies and plan of salary and benefit. Labour Turnover -Number of employee leave the firm through dismissal or resignation during a period to the number of employee on the payroll during the same period. Calculating labour turnover Number of staff leaving in a year Average number employed in the same period x 100 This method of calculating turnover helps the organisation, to calculate manpower requirement for the future. Calculating labour turnover for Marriott for the year 2009, in various department Department No of employee left the organisation New Employee Turnover % Kitchen 8 19 42.10526316 Front Office 22 35 62.85714286 Food Beverage 166 207 80.19323671 House keeping 110 150 73.33333333 Employee turnover has a crucial consequence on the supply of the labour to an organisation, the turnover can classified into two category (1). Voluntary turnover ( 2). Compulsory turnover Voluntary Turnover :- Employee leaving job as he or she has found a new job Employee leaving the job due geographical mobility Leaving the job due to pregnancy. Employee leaving the job due to ill-related problems Retirement Changes in immigration law Working conditions Compulsory Turnover :- Release for misconduct. Made redundant due to recession. Release due to medical condition. John Stredwick Effects on organisation due to labour turnover:- There is a direct expenditure involved in replacement process by the organisation for Recruiting, Hiring and Training. At times organisation have staffs which are under-performing, if the under-performing staff decides to resign, it is beneficial for the organisation as they can hire somebody who is more productive and more skilful then the under-performing staff. 2008/09 in the U.K due to recession most of the skilled/Unskilled workers were made redundant more than 2 million were unemployed during this period, As major event approaching in 2012, the hospitality industry has to invest a lot direct cost in recruitments to match with the demand. Retention of an Employee:- Means trying to stop the employee from leaving the organisation. Marriott can offer rise in salary/wages to retain the employee, depending on his skills and experience. Offer the employee an opportunities for in house training programme, which will help his development within the organisation. If the Employee is planning to resign due to the long working hours, the organisation can offer him flexible working hours. If the Employee is not keen on continuing with a particular department for example Food and Beverage(Service), and wants to explore his skills in Front Office. Marriott as a organisation do have policy in place for inter department transfer. Marriott conducts a Exit Interview before the employee leaves the organisation, It helps Marriott to understand what they need to practice or make changes in their work culture, which will help to control employee turnover. John Stredwick Forecasting for Manpower Planning Forecasting is a important action in setting up the business plan, forecasting can be from 1,2, or 5 years depending on for whom the plan is to be presented, Marriott needs consider the upcoming event in count as well. Share-holder Bank Principal of Demand and Supply of Labour Demand and Supply Demand High Supply High Demand Low Supply Low Training Development Selection Changes Organisation Policies Labour cost control Internal Placement Forecasting Redundant Recruitment Demotion Table above helps Marriott to forecast manpower demand and supply, if there is a rise in demand, and supply is high then the Human Resource Manager should recruit staff member and Manager should promote internal staff member to meet the requirement of the company, If demand and supply is low than the manager should focus on forecast and training, if demand low and supply is high then the organisation has to control labour cost. Or may go to extend redundant some of the members of the staff. In Hospitality industry Demand and Supply of labour keeps on varying depending on the Events, Market trends, and Global crisis. There are few events which can be considered by human resource manager to predict the manpower demand. Major Event in United Kingdom in next 5 years 2010- Women Rugby World Cup 2011- Ryder Cup. 2012- Olympics. 2012- ICC Twenty 20 World Cup. 2015- Men Rugby World Cup. Working Arrangement for Marriott as Recommended Full -Time Employee :- As a Full Time employee they are entitled to work 40 hours a week, Marriott has a ratio of 60 to 40 i.e 60% of their employee are full time, and 40% are part time employee. Full time are flexible when its comes to working hours. Part-Time Employee:- As a Part Time employee they are entitled to work 20 hours a week, Part timers do get all the benefit as an employee, As they are students in United Kingdom they can only work for 20 hrs work Agency :- Marriot should outsource labour through agency, When Marriott has event planned they can contact the agency and outsource staff for the event. Marriott can practice this format of hiring outsource staff for a event as cost would be minimal then hiring a full time staff or a part- time staff. Contract:- Marriott should employ, staff on contract. Employee on contract is beneficial for Marriott, as per the contract the employee can be associated with Marriott only last for 6 months. Contract employee would be getting the same benefit as a full time or part time staff of Marriott. Causal :- Marriott can appoint causal staff which is beneficial for the organisation, as they dont have to give contract hours, they can use these causal staff depending upon the business of Marriott. Job Sharing:- One job is Shared by two people, in this case the benefit is which organisation provides is also shared. It is beneficial to the employer. Internship :- Marriott Should hire students who are on internship through their college, this not only help their manpower planning, but also fill in the requirement of the organisation, Internship programme student get the same benefit as a full time employee. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Stredwick, J. (2005)  Human resource management.  Second edition, UK, Elsevier Buttersworth-Heinemann 55-58. Marchington m and Wilkinson(2008) A Human Resource Management at work, People Management and development Fourth Edition. INTERNET Last Assessed on 17th January 2010 last Assessed on 9th January 2010 Last Assessed on 25th January 2010 Last Assessed on January 5th 2010 Last Assessed on January 29th 2010 JOURNAL Evening Standard 24/01/2010. Page 1 Marriott Handbook Legislation for an Organisation Avinash Nayak 767689 Task 2 Legislation for an organisation Recruitment and Employment :- Is a process of hiring in the right candidate for the job to met the requirement of staffing. Working Time Regulation :- This Law was brought into practice from October 1998, This law applies all the business and to all workers. Marriot has to comply with law, this law include :- Maximum Working hours should not exceed more than 48hrs a week. Employee is entitled for daily break as per the contract. Employee is entitled for weekly break. For example:- if he is working 6 days a week, he is entitled for 1 day off. Employee is entitled for Annual holidays. The law is in place for different age groups:- 16-17 and 18 16-17 They are entitled to work 40 hrs a week,(8 hrs a day) They are entitled for a 30 mins break if the shift last more than 4.5 hrs They are entitled for 2 days weekly off 18 They are entitled to work 48 hrs a week, not more than 6 days a week. They are entitle for a 20 mins break if their shift last more than 6 hrs. They are entitled for 1 day off a week. Implication:- Employer should make sure working hours and breaks regulation are mentioned in the contract. Employee are entitled to take their break after 6 hrs, at least for 20 mins. Employer should make sure they give enough rest time between two shifts i.e 11 hrs rest time every 24 hrs. Application:- A Line Manager should be appointed to monitor the daily clock in and clock out through, Muster Book, latest software where an employee can clock in and out as well his breaks. Line Manager should make sure working hours of an employee should not exceed the contract hours All Employees should be sign a copy of contract and understand the importance of complying with law, as it is beneficial for both the employee and employer. Statutory Provisions:- Health and Safety Act 1974:- This Act was brought into practice 1974 to make sure employer are providing a safe place for their employees to work. Implication :- To make sure the working environment is safe for the employees of Marriot. Training Should be conducted on all the employees, so that they are aware what do they need to do in an event of accident. Equipment in use should be safe for use, in case of accidents should be reported. Fire Exit should be free from any obstacles. Application :- Have a Health and Safety committee, conduct the meeting on periodically bases, Risk assessment should be completed on all employees. Training files should be updated on monthly basis, as well Re-Fresher course should be conducted on all the employees every 3 to 4 months. Health and Safety information should be displayed as well the contact details in case of emergency. Codes of Practice :- Disciplinary :- Employer use this method to tell the employee that their act or their conduct is not up to the standards as likely. Needs to be improved.It is a 4 step process-1.Verbal Warning 2.Written Warning 3. Inform the employee about the decision 4. Appeal if the employee wants to make a appeal against the decision. Implication :- Marriott can conduct the disciplinary with an employee only when there is a violation of organisation policies or in the case of employee is under performing. Marriott should have enough evidence to take disciplinary action against the employee. Application:- Marriott should follow disciplinary procedure in a formal method, everything should be recorded for reference. Proper investigation needs to be done by the employer before coming to a decision. Employee will get a opportunity appeal against the decision. Employee has the right to demand explanation for the employer, on the decision. Employer may suspend the employee during the disciplinary process is going on. Organisation :- National Minimum WageAct:- This Act was brought into practice in 1998, the objective behind this law was to a minimum wage that the employer(Marriott) needs to pay his employee. National Minimum wage differs depending on the employee age 5.73 to 5.80 an hour for aged 22 and over. 4.77 to 4.83 an hour for aged 18 to 21 years. 3.53 to 3.57 an hour for aged 16 to 17 years. Implication :- Labour cost of Marriott would be soaring, has they will have to give out a major portion from their income towards wages. Marriott will have to cut working hours of the employee to keep a control on labour cost. Marriott may layoff few of their employees, which will lead to unemployment. Application :- Marriott should re -plan their strategy Marriott may have to increase their room charges or menu price as they have to cover the rise in employee wages. Latest changes in the wages needs to be communicated to all departments and effective date as well. During the Peak time of the business, Marriott will have to hire temporary workers to meet the demand.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay on Taming of the Shrew: Deciphering Kate’s Shrewish Character

The Taming of the Shrew:   Deciphering Kate’s Shrewish Character  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Taming of the Shrew is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It is both a witty and complex play with characters that are appealing and believable drawn from life and based on a keen understanding of human nature. One can see this in the main character of the play, the shrew Katherine. The reasons for Kate's shrewd behavior as well as her tameness have puzzled Critics and Shakespearean scholars for ages. This essay will attempt to decipher Kate's shrewish character from the beginning with her father and sister, through the middle with her first meeting of Petruchio, to the finale where she is finally tamed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a strong underlying notion that Kate's shrewish behavior is a by-product of the mistreatment of her sister and father. Firstly, Kate's father continually humiliates her in public. For example, when Baptista, Kate's father, informed Bianca's suitors, Tranio and Lucentio, in public that he will not allow either of them to marry his younger daughter until a husband is found for Katherine, he is in effect announcing he first wants to have Katherine off his hands. He then offers her to either of Bianca's suitors. Katherine's humiliation at this point is complete. Not only is she discussed on a public street like a piece of scandalous gossip; but she is also offered to her sister's suitors by her own father and profusely turned away as one turns away from a piece of rotten meat. Kate then tries to reveal her mortification to her father, "I pray you, sir, is it your will/To make a stale of me amongst these mates?"(57-58). Upon hearing this, Hortensio scolds Kate for her infamous temper to which she replies that i... .... There is now obvious affection between the two, and Petruchio says of their new harmony, "Is not this well?" (154). He calls her his sweet Kate, and she recognizes the sincerity of the epithet. Therefore, with careful love and affection stemming from Petruchio's sincerity towards Katherine, her shrewd behavior turns into sweet honey.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, due to her father and sister's lack of affection and humiliation, Kate develops a nasty shrewish character. She then recognizes her equal when she meets Petruchio, yet she has no choice but to keep acting as a shrew. It is not until Petruchio wins Kate's affection through his kindness and love that she finally lets go of her shrewish cover and becomes the envied wife of every husband Works Consulted: Shakespeare, William. The Taming of the Shrew. Ed. Milton Glaser. New York: Signet, 1971.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hamlet is Too Smart for Himself :: English Literature Essays

Why Hamlet is Too Smart for Himself Hamlet only kills Claudius when he has also murdered the queen, Laertes, and has also poisoned himself. It takes a threat of death to do what his own dead father orders him to do. A largely held opinion is that he is to emotional to do it, but it is when his emotions all come together that he murders Polonius. Another opinion is that he to full of morals to kill, but how then can he alter a note and literally sentence two old friends who were just following orders too death. It is also believed that he is too cowardly to go through with it, but if a man is bold enough to face a ghost, confront a queen and kill an eavesdropper, than what should stop him from avenging his father and ridding Denmark of the disease that infests it's royal line. The answer is simple, he is to smart to get around to doing it. Hamlet's is a mind to be reckoned with. He thinks things out rather than just act on impulse. No matter what the situation, there is always something that stands in his way that a more impulsive, emotional man might overlook or just ignore. By thinking things over he gives Claudius time to figure out what he knows. If he had acted faster things may have turned out differently for our intellectual prince. The Brain can be a slow, bungling thing that is constantly tripping over it's own feet whereas a body controlled by emotion knows no limits. A complex mind will often add more and more factors and problems into the situation than is necessary. For example, why feign madness? What purpose does this really serve? All it did was isolate him from those that he loved. Rather than directly confront the king, Hamlet embarks upon a wild, complex scheme to discredit and trap Claudius. Wouldn't it have helped things out a lot more to forgo the charade and just be good old Hamlet. That way nobody would have suspected anything and Hamlet would have had lots more emotional support from those that meant the most to him. Don't get me wrong though. Some of Hamlet's plans almost worked out. The play for example. Claudius was so filled with rage that he was reduced to a stuttering imbecile and was ready to slaughter the actors right out in front of everybody.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Perfume †Grenouille Analysis Essay

Throughout the story â€Å"Perfume† by Patrick Suskind, Grenouille is presented as an outsider who is a product of both social and moral decay shown through his birth, description of the setting and description of Grenouille’s characteristics. Grenouille was born in the malodorous fish market of Paris in the â€Å"18th century†, where the 18th century was a period of tragedy and chaos where foul smells were everywhere. Moreover, Grenouille being born in a â€Å"fish market† indicates the evil and unnatural nature of Grenouille as he is born in the worst smelling, filthiest and unnatural place in Paris. Even more, being born in a fish market in a â€Å"pile of fish guts† shows Grenouille as a victim of social decay where society and degraded so far to the point where babies mattered just as much as fish guts. Obviously, Grenouille’s future is seen to be full of sin and filthiness as seen from his birth place. Furthermore, from the moment Grenouille was born, he was endowed with a powerful sense of smell which he â€Å"used as a language† further suggesting his filthy and malicious future as the first smell he smelt was the disgusting stench of the fish market foreshadowing his disgusting future intentions. Using smell â€Å"as a language†, shows the difference between him and all other people in society making him an outsider. Similarly, like an animal, Grenouille uses sense of smell to communicate and judge his surroundings portraying his animalistic characteristics inside as well as the predator within him using scent to track prey as animals do. Clearly, Grenouille’s powerful sense of smell foreshadows his violent, animalistic future intentions. Conversely, through free indirect discourse, Suskind develops sympathy for Grenouille and portrays him as an outsider and a product of social decay. There is described to be a â€Å"stench barely conceivable† showing Grenouilles abundance of a smell setting him aside and different to â€Å"the people, the stairwells, the parlours and the bedrooms.. † making him different to anything normal making him an outsider. However, sympathy is developed for him when he describes everything in society to have a stench showing that he felt everything in society and all the people in it stank thus causing him to become a victim of social decay. Grenouille is further conveyed as a victim of social decay when upper class supposedly high ranked and highly respected people are portrayed as fools and almost idiots. Through Comic Irony Father Terrier is seen as an uneducated fool and childish when using the phrase â€Å"poohpeedooh†. The repetition of this phrase further illustrates the foolish nature of a highly respected person showing social decay. Moreover, presenting the upper class in France as silly and foolish shows the decay of society and how even foolish people such as Father Terrier are respected and looked up to making Grenouille a victim to this social decay as well as an outsider as he does not respect these foolish upper class people and does not follow the demands of society. Similarly, Grenouille is again seen as an outsider when society refuses to accept him. His mother leaves him to die in a pile of fish guts and many others refuse to take him in, leaving him as an unwanted outsider. Again this foreshadows his future actions of violence and murder when society rejects him and many people act on their basic instincts and leave him to die suggesting a sense of evil in him. Grenouille is further shown as an outsider when he is described to have a â€Å"lack of scent†. This lack of scent clearly shows he is unnatural and he is not a normal being as well as further suggests his evil nature as he is able to move around unnoticed by anything allowing him to be able to do things unnoticed. Clearly, Grenouille has an unnatural, evil feel to him as seen through his characteristics and the way he is rejected purely but instincts by society. As seen from his birthplace, the setting and his characteristics Grenouille is clearly an outsider in society and this will ultimately lead to the murder of several women as well as chaos.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Psychological and Social Effects of Sexual Abuse

In today's society, while parents are supposed to nurture their children, some are either the ones who cause them the most pain or are oblivious to the fact that their child is depressed or abused. The effect that sexual abuse has on a young child is inexpressible and can affect the way an individual functions. In society, many people underestimate the impact of sexual abuse, especially on young teenage girls, but in the two novels that I studied, the impact that sexual abuse has on a child's life is clearly severe and apparent.Father absences often cause many problems in the legislations a child has with either their significant other or other family members. In an article written by Ellis (2003), father absences are what cause females to become sexually active or pregnant. However, in the novels, Push and The Color Purple, the fathers are the ones who are sexually active with their daughters. These two disturbing, yet powerful novels are based on the perspective of two poor, Africa n- American girls, named Precious and Cell. Their entire lives revolve around emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.In these two novels, the sexual abuse Is caused by their father's dominant personalities, their psychological problems, and their own hatred towards men, while the deterioration of family relationships, low self-esteem, and gravitation towards females are all effects of sexual abuse. Psychological and social problems are often regarded as the most significant effects of sexual abuse against young teenage girls. Women have always been oppressed by men and have been subjected to so much negativity as a result of male dominance.In Precious' case, Precious' dominant father compels her to have sex with him in order to satisfy his own sexual needs. The most prominent cause of sexual abuse In this Instance Is mainly his lack of appreciation towards his daughter and his oppressive behavior. Throughout the novel, his failed relationships with Precious and Mary provoke his aggre ssion towards Precious. Mary and Allophones relationship lacks stability and has a negative impact on the relationship Precious has with both her father and mother. Precious' parents were never married to begin with, but after a period of time, Precious' father decides to abandon his family.According to two authors at Princeton university, Beck and McClellan (2010), there are different causes of low relationship quality and stability, and this is simply one of them. Impaired family relationships are the most essential factors of sexual abuse in both novels. Carol's dominant personality is the main causation of all the problems he encounters with Mary, thus provoking him to leave her permanently. His dominant traits are shown when Mary feels obligated to him and complies with him Into raping their own daughter. Despite the fact that Precious Is his daughter, Carl disregards the Immorality of his actions.The torment that he puts Precious through Is unbelievable and the sexual abuse co ntinues for many years. In this case, Carol's dominance and control over the two females Is widely Incorporated In the novel. The time before she becomes impregnated by him, not once, but twice. The two babies she gives birth to symbolize the struggles that she has had to overcome and the struggles that she will face in the future. Despite the fact that she was only 12 years old at the time her first baby was born, she becomes impregnated for the second time, four years later, at the age of 16.The abuse that she becomes subjected to causes her a great deal of pain and suffering, and it also causes a great deal of tension between Precious and her mother, Mary. Since Mary despises the idea of Precious achieving anything good in her life, she insists on Precious quitting school. Her overbearing and aggressive personality causes Precious to quit the one thing she feels so deeply for, which is her education. Precious' entire life is a very abusive and ongoing cycle, and for the most part , it is a result of the sexual abuse and the abandonment of her father after the birth of their two children.Since Precious has the responsibility to take care of two children, Mary, being the ruthless person that she is, uses this as an opportunity to help her through her own financial difficulties. However, when Precious entertains the idea of attending an alternative school and moving out with her two children, Mary clearly discourages this idea since she relies on the welfare to escape her financial struggles. A countless number of problems arise through these discussions and that soon causes Mary to reach her ultimate breaking point with Precious.All these problems that they encounter are problems which surfaced after Carol's absence. Their poor family relationship is one of the main effects of Carol's abuse towards Precious, and it is quite evident that his dominating personality is what caused the abuse. The problems illustrated by Sapphire are what ultimately causes the dete rioration of their family relationship and forces Precious to lose the last bit of hope that she has for her family. The main character of The Color Purple, Cell, is taken advantage of by her dominant and aggressive father, Alphorns, who uses her vulnerability to sexually abuse her.In the novel The Color Purple, Collie's parents have a very dysfunctional relationship, especially because Collie's mother is ill and is incapable of pleasing her husband's sexual desires. His controlling behavior raises a huge concern for the entire family, and their worst fears are brought to reality when he impregnates his daughter twice. Collie's mother's illness is a burden to Alphorns, and he uses it as an excuse to sexually abuse Cell. After being impregnated by Alphorns twice, she gives birth to two beautiful babies, but has them taken away from her by him.His oppressive behavior causes Celli to become fearful for both her and her sister, Nineties. Alphorns may not be Collie's real father, but he is still her stepfather, but she only sees him as a remorseless, dominant child molester. His dominance is shown by the way he speaks to his daughter, commanding her to have sex with him and do house work. The abuse is what causes Collie's entire youth to be destroyed, and it only worsens as she is forced to marry a man who exemplifies everything her father stands for, which is controlling and abusive.After everything that has occurred with their family, Allophones relationship with his daughter reaches its ultimate breaking point once her mother sees, after which, he decides to enter into a new relationship with a girl who is Just around Collie's age. After dealing with the sexual abuse for quite some time, Celli feels discomfort when she is near her father, and after the death of her mother, their and characters is evidently the fact that both girls are mistreated by their controlling fathers.In addition to the sexual abuse, both their fathers remain absent throughout their life, whether it is physically or emotionally, and their mothers are either dead or abusive. While both Celli and Precious' superior fathers cause the sexual abuse, the effect that sexual abuse has on these two young girls is depicted as their family relationships begin to deteriorate. Due to the immense impact that sexual abuse has on these two young girls, their entire life becomes a painted picture of their destroyed family, and most importantly, the absence of their fathers.The psychological problems that one has to deal with can often control their life and become the reason why they act a certain way. This is evident in the case of Precious' father, Carl. Carol's problems with Mary, and his own insecurities, are what cause him o abuse his daughter, both verbally and sexually. A person does not abuse another individual for no significant reason, but there is always reasoning behind their actions. In the beginning of the novel, Sapphire illustrates Carl as a man who shows no remorse o r compassion, someone who likes to take advantage of young girls.The abuse inflicted on a young child can often cause the deterioration of their character, most importantly, their self-esteem. Throughout the novel Push, there are many instances that depict the psychological issues that Precious is subjected to, mainly as result of the sexual abuse she endures from her father. Afterwards, Precious becomes very insecure and feels disgusted at the fact that she has tolerated the abuse for so long, regardless of the fact that she is only a child and is not capable of preventing it.According to Borer and Fine (1992), a child's development can be severely affected by sexual abuse, as well as other forms of child maltreatment. Being sexually abused as a child can dictate how an individual functions in their everyday life, and that is evident in Precious' case. Precious becomes so accustomed to the dead that she is nothing but a useless, obese, and illiterate girl, and that no man would eve r want to be with her. She lets the abuse dictate how she feels about certain matters, especially regarding her appearance.Her most apparent weakness is her lack of self-esteem as she constantly refers to herself as a girl from a poor neighborhood, with parents who wish nothing but her ultimate worst. Although it is evident that she feels a sense of emptiness from the psychological and sexual abuse she was subjected to by her father, and the agony her mother puts her through, she goes not acknowledge the fact that that is the reason why she behaves the way she does. Her perspective on what a perfect family consists of becomes shattered, and she feels as if she will always be a victim of abuse.The abuse from both her parents causes her to become extremely vulnerable and weak, and she constantly disregards the fact that the relationship she has with her parents is the causation of all her problems, especially problems dealing with her lack of confidence. Stress, anxiety, depression, a nd grief, can often impact an individual's behavior, and if one feels as f their sexual needs have not been satisfied, their desires will expand. â€Å"The sexual cycle begins with desire. Desire is in the mind† (â€Å"When Sexual Desire Disappears, 2014†).Constant fights over sexual needs can cause many problems, especially because of differences in sexual drive. In Collie's case, this is very apparent. Collie's father and mother have a very distant relationship and it only causes more burden behaves as if she is already dead, mainly since she is ill and cannot do many things to satisfy him. As a result of her illness, Alphorns expresses his anger by demanding Celli to satisfy the sexual needs that her mother failed to do, which ultimately means that she must replace her mother. His lack of security and love in his own relationship causes him to behave inappropriately towards Cell.As a result of all these problems that he has to deal with, he feels a lack of stability in his relationship and suffers from his own issues within himself. However, since Celli is forced to deal with the behavior of her father, her lack of self-esteem is displayed more and more, especially since she is the only child that has to tolerate the abuse. Collie's self- esteem becomes the root of many of her problems as she often discusses her lack of appearance, knowledge, and talent, especially when compared to her sister, Nineties.While Nineties exemplifies everything a woman would want to be and everything a man would want in a woman, Celli portrays herself as the ugly sister that no one would want, which is the ultimate reason why she feels a certain way towards her sister. Evidently, since she is the only one child that has to endure her father's brutality, she becomes more and more vulnerable throughout the entire novel, which causes her to ender what exactly attracts her to this all this negativity in her life.It is only appropriate for her to question what she is do ing so wrongly that she is the only person being forced to experience this, and that becomes the reason why she has an ongoing battle with her sister. Her constant comparison with her sister affects the way she looks at herself, mainly since she knows that Nineties is someone who is incomparable. Despite Collie's constant effort in establishing a relationship with her father, she becomes distraught over the fact that her father displays so much love ND appreciation towards Nineties, regardless of the fact that Celli is the only person who complies with his orders.Allophones psychological issues regarding his relationship with Collie's mom and his failed relationships become the causation of his attitude towards Cell. Meanwhile, the abuse Celli experiences only causes her to have less and less confidence in herself. Being impregnated twice, by your own father, can severely affect your perspective on men. When an individual is subjected to such abuse, it can have an immense impact on their perspective of men or women, and the way they look at life in general.Many children who suffer from sexual abuse find it extremely difficult to depart from their past struggles, and hold a grudge against those who cause them so much pain. Women with a history of sexual, emotional, or physical abuse may regard men as â€Å"keyholes†, â€Å"inconsiderate†, and â€Å"unloving†, and as they reach an older age they often remember all the events that occurred when they were younger. In both novels, it is evident that both Precious and Celli share the same hatred and fear towards men, and a special bond with other females.Their fear causes them to become abused by their fathers as it is seen as a sign of weakness. After being subjected to so many negative events, it causes them to feel some sort of resentment towards their fathers and any other male character that shares the slightest similarity with their fathers, thus making them gravitate towards females. As P recious' parents are unable to support Precious' desires to gain her GEED, Precious' teacher at her alternative school provides her with the support and love that her parents have failed to do. Ms.Blue, Precious' teacher, shares a mother- receives help from her in ways that she could never have imagined. While Precious appears to lack relationships with men, the bond she shares with Ms. Blue is the polar opposite of the bond she shares with any other individual, especially those who are men. Sapphire emphasizes the importance that female characters have on Precious, mainly the importance of Ms. Blue and Precious' female friends from her class. In an article written by Abash (201 1), he discusses the disproportion of teenage pregnancies, especially among minority youth.He makes it clear that teenage pregnancies deeply affect one's academic accomplishments and that applies in Precious' case. This particular article is relevant to Precious' circumstance as her most important goal is to successfully complete school, and while all her problems are caused by her father, her achievements are a result of the help she has from her female friends and Ms. Blue. As it is extremely difficult for girls in Precious' neighborhood to get an education, Precious feels even more appreciative towards Ms. Blue. Ms.Blue helps Precious become aware of the effort it takes to attend school and obey the teacher's rules, and in this form she learns how to act like a civilized person. In addition to that, Ms. Rain helps Precious by allowing her to stay over at her house as Precious states â€Å"l can tell by Ms Rain's face I'm not goanna be homeless no more† (Sapphire, 1996, p. 79). While Sapphire makes it evident that Precious feels discomfort whenever she is near men, she also states that Precious feels a sense of belonging when she is surrounded by other women, with the exception of her mother.In the novel The Color Purple, Collie's fear and hatred towards men is very noticeable . Her father's abuse towards her scars her for life and deeply affects the way she views men. However, she fears him because she knows what he is capable f, and she feels as if she has to show a sense of strength for her sister. Even after tolerating the abuse for so long, she is forced to marry a man named Albert. Albert shares many similarities with her father as they are abusive, dominant, and unloving.With that said, after being in an abusive relationship with Albert, Collie's slightest bit of hope for a loving marriage and family is thrown away. With all these men taking advantage of her, she puts this abuse to an end by isolating herself from the men that cause her so much pain, and she does this with the help of her female friend, Chug Avery. With the help of Chug, Celli is able to leave her husband behind and sever ties with her husband and her father. Her emotional and physical relationship with Chug is one that she believes she could never share with any man. Us sleep like sisters, me and Chug†, Celli states (Walker, 1982, p. 146). In this particular instance, Celli expresses her feelings to Chug, feelings regarding Albertan appalling behavior. As the novel progresses it is evident that their bond becomes stronger and stronger, but once another man interferes with their relationship, Celli begins to despise the man, claiming that he is an opportunist. Chug remains married to Mr†¦ Grady in spite of Collie's concerns, which only cause Celli to become more Jealous.Her issues with men are made more and more apparent throughout the novel, and that is the most important reason as to why she feels such a special bond with other females, such as Nineties, Chug Avery, and Sofia. Sofia is Collie's stepson's wife, and unlike Cell, Sofia is brave and able to stand up to her husband. The relationship that she has with Sofia is what empowers her, and her bond with these three girls is what confirms her actions of a man, whether it is her father of her h usband, and with so much activity in her life, these three women become the only people to truly help her.In both Push and The Color Purple, there are countless similarities shared between not only Precious and Cell, but between the two fathers, Carl and Alphorns, as well as the two most important women in Precious and Collie's lives, Ms. Blue and Chug Avery. In both novels, these two African-American teenage girls are forced to do things that most teenage girls could never imagine doing. Their controlling fathers compel them to have sex with them and impregnate them not once, but twice. Sexual abuse and father absences are the most recognizable themes in both novels, Push and The Color Purple.In these two novels the main female characters are forced to deal with the sexual abuse and torment inflicted on them by their dominant fathers. Dominating personalities, psychological problems, and hatred towards men are all causes of sexual abuse, while the deterioration of family relationsh ips, low self- esteem, and gravitation towards females are all effects of sexual abuse. All three forms of abuse, sexual, physical, and mental abuse are applicable to the two irritations in both novels, and these forms of abuse evidently deprive them of their freedom.As a result of the sexual abuse they endured from their father, they become impregnated twice, and evidently, the abuse causes them to have an incredibly difficult time appreciating themselves, let alone anyone else. It soon causes more trouble for them as they lose their trust in men and only surround themselves with women. Psychological and social problems are widely regarded as the most prominent effects of sexual abuse against young teenage girls in battered families.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Rene Desacartes and David Hume Essay

Rene Descartes and David Hume were two great philosophers during the modern period. Many of their issues focused on the existence of God. Hume’s writings on the existence of God are different to Descartes’. Descartes tries to prove Gods existence while Hume tries to show the foolishness of believing in God. However, both philosophers fail to solve the issue because they both hold many arguments. The major issue between Descartes and Hume is their conflicting methods on how the issue should be approached. Rene Descartes was an Enlightenment philosopher. He was also a rationalist. This is the opposite of empiricism as this theory claims that some knowledge can be known a priori, independently of experience. This means that if God were to be proved then experience would not necessarily be needed as some truth. The explanation of oneself is essential to Descartes’ thesis. That all â€Å"object relations except God are delusions promoted by the coherence of experience† (Weissman); that is, our everlasting subjective experience of the world could be false, although God is known to be true. Having decided that the empirical world and matter could be simply the creation of a devil, Descartes decides to follow his own consciousness, which is the only thing he could rely on. He is the type of person who only depends on himself and always thinks â€Å"I am† in situations. Descartes makes the unnecessary assumption that he is the carrier of his combined states. He states, â€Å"It is so self-evident that it is I who doubt, who understand and who wish, that there is no need to add anything to explain it†. This, as well as the truths of mathematics, is perceived â€Å"clearly and distinctly†. Clear and distinct ideas are very much relied on in the Cartesian philosophy of mind; for Descartes they are the necessary truths, grabbed by the intelligence. This central consciousness he claims equates to a â€Å"person†; the divisible body as an extended thing in space and time is finite, opposed to the infinite, non-physical, monadic soul. This distinction is the foundation of Cartesian ontological dualism. The mind and body are separate materials, existing on their own. Descartes believed that he developed a method by breaking a problem down into parts, accepting ideas that couldn’t be doubted and getting rid of one conclusion from another. Descartes came to the conclusion that the universe has a mathematically logical structure providing a unified body of knowledge. He believed that in order to obtain knowledge, there must be a normal method for achieving the truth, or any experience can not be a dependable source. David Hume was an empiricist which means that he believes all knowledge must come from experience, as there is no innate knowledge within the mind. If the existence of God were to be proved, it would require someone to experience or suppose his existence from experience in some way, because reason alone is inadequate to prove his existence. Hume’s position about knowledge is skepticism, which means he doesn’t believe we have knowledge for certain things. He is heavily influenced by the two philosophers, Locke and Berkley. Hume is similar to Berkley but without the part of believing in God. He believes in the analysis of causation. For example you know your friend is in France when you receive a post card from them in France. Hume’s explanations are more concerned with a passive physical brain and a graphic order of mind; the mind alone can tell us anything about the world. It contains an idea that simple and complex ideas are formed by direct perception of objects or self-reflection. Hume’s change incorporates an explanation on Locke’s ambiguous use of ‘idea’. He refers separately to perceptions of sensations and those of reflection. Simple ideas of Locke such as space and time became complex ideas for Hume. All perceptions are substances, capable of existence independent of the observer. Therefore we are perceptions, with a non-observable ‘self’. Furthermore since there can be no ‘impression’ of self, the idea of identity is weak. It is important to know that in Hume’s plan in order for people to obtain knowledge of something they must experience it first. Descartes believed that everything known, depends on perception, but if perception doesn’t have evidence not only from itself but also from the outside world than it will not be able to verify anything. According to Hume, â€Å"perceptions,† can be cut down to impressions and ideas. Axioms, were self evident principals which were â€Å"so clear and distinct† that they could not be doubted, and therefore accepted as certain contents of knowledge. Contrary to Descartes belief that effects must come from a cause, Hume believed that causes are senseless and uncertain. This contrasts sharply with Descartes’ proposal of ‘primary and secondary’ qualities. The primary qualities of objects are their geometric, indubitable measurements such as their extension, mass and location in space. These are only indirectly perceived through the secondary qualities of appearance, such as colour and tangibility. Descartes seeks to avoid a merely representationalist stance and attempts to further justify a belief in an external reality beyond our mental field of perception, and show that it is dependent on God. This is closely linked with Descartes’ equivocation of â€Å"clear and distinct† ideas; they refer both to the mathematical axioms of geometry – in a â€Å"triangle there is a certain determinate nature or essence or form of it, immutable and eternal, which has not been feigned by me, nor does it depend on [me]† – and to empirical statements about extension in space; in the Fifth Meditation he seeks to discover â€Å"something certain concerning material things†¦

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Post operative care Essay

Whilst the patient is in PACU, identify and discuss airway management (and rationales) as related to the case study (400 words) The post-operative patient is at risk for respiratory problems due to ineffective airway clearance related to changes in pulmonary physiology and function caused by anaesthetics, narcotics, mechanical ventilation, hypothermia and surgery. With increased tracheobronchial secretions secondary to the effects of anaesthesia, combined with ineffective coughing, and decreased functions of the mucociliary clearance mechanism. (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) Oxygen is commonly in place as it supports the elimination of anaesthetic gases and helps meet the increased metabolic demand for oxygen caused by the surgery (deWit, 2009). The sedation and muscle relaxation drugs used often cause the tongue to occlude the airway and for that reason endotracheal tubes or artificial airways are not removed until clients are awake and able to maintain their own airway (Berman &, 2012). During the immediate post anaesthetic stage an unconscious client is positioned on the side, with the face slightly down, without the support of a pillow. In this position gravity keeps the tongue forward, preventing obstruction of the pharynx and allows the drainage of any mucous or vomitus out of the mouth rather than down the respiratory tract (Berman &, 2012). Suction should always be readily available to clear secretions. Alternatively if the patient cannot be positioned on their sides the airway can be opened by moving the jaw forward (the nurse’s fingers are placed behind the angle of the jaw, lifting it forward. As the Jaw moves, the tongue comes forward, opening the airway. (deWit, 2009) An artificial airway is maintained in place and the client is suctioned as needed until cough and swallowing reflexes have returned. Generally the client will spit out the oropharyngeal airway when coughing returns and the swallowing or gag reflex it intact (Berman &, 2012) Auscultate the lungs carefully for abnormal sounds as this can indicate retained secretions. Encourage deep breathing and coughing every 2 hours or more for the first 72 hours post operatively. (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) Assess the rate and depth of respirations as Hypostatic pneumonia occurs when lack of movement causes stasis of secretions encouraging bacteria  growth. Be certain to turn the patient every 2 hours as this changes the distribution of gas and blood flow in the lungs and helps move secretions. (deWit, 2009) Facilitate deep breathing and coughing by demonstrating how to splint abdominal and thoracic incisions with hands or a pillow. If indicated medicate  ½ hour before deep breathing, coughing or ambulation to promote adherence (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) In order of priority, using evidence based literature, identify and discuss the nursing interventions (and rationales) required to care for the chosen patient in the first 24 hours upon returning to the ward. Nursing intervention/care presented needs to be accurate, relevant and Specific to the chosen case study. During the initial hours after returning to the ward the primary concerns for the nursing staff are that the patient has adequate ventilation, haemodynamic stability, no incisional pain, surgical site integrity, Post anaesthesia nausea and vomiting are under control, stable neurological status and that the patient is spontaneously voiding. (Smeltzer & Bare, 2011) Pulse rate, blood pressure and respiratory rates are recorded at least every 15 minutes for the first hour and then every 30 minutes for the next 2 hours. Temperature is monitored every 4 hours for the following 24 hours (Smeltzer & Bare, 2011). Assessments of the patient are to be done at frequent intervals during the first 24 hours postoperatively looking for indications of internal haemorrhage and impending shock. This includes pallor, diaphoresis, cool extremities, delayed capillary refill, restlessness, agitation, mental status changes and disorientations or an impending sense of doom (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) . During the initial postoperative period it is important to orientate and reorientate the patient to person, place and time. Informing the client that the surgery is over and that everything went well. Repeating this information until the patient is fully awake and orientated helps to reduce anxiety and confusion (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) Margaret is placed in a semi Fowlers position after she recovers from anaesthesia. Aside from being more  comfortable and having less strain on the sutures, the patient will also be able to take deep breaths and cough more easily in this position. (deWit , 2009) Pain assessments should be conducted during each observation for behavioural and physiologic indicators such as facial tension, grimacing, moaning, diaphoresis, increased BP, increased pulse and respiratory rates. (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) Use any PRN doses of pain relief medications before pain becomes severe as well as before painful procedures, ambulation and bedtime ask the patient to describe the pain including description, location, and intensity and aggravating and alleviating factors (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) Administer pain relief according to the World Health Organisations three step analgesic ladder. If the patient is still in pain some non-pharmacological pain control such as heat or cold packs, tens machines, massage, or distraction techniques may be helpful (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) An assessment of the abdomen every 4-8 hours by inspection, auscultation, palpation and percussion for looking for any indications of distention and listening for signs of bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants of the abdomen (Berman &, 2012). Monitor vital signs every 4-8 hours be alert to changes consistent with dehydration including decreasing blood pressure, increasing heart rate and slightly increased body temperature, dry skin and mucous membranes, skin turgor, diminished intensity of peripheral pulses and any alterations in mental status. Monitor the patients urine output and concentration. Checking the NPO status and in the absence of post anaesthesia nausea or vomiting introduce oral foods and fluids cautiously (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) As Margaret has a BMI of 30 she is considered obese. Obesity is known to increase morbidity and mortality in the general population and thus is perceived as a risk factor contributing to postoperative complications such as pneumonia, wound infections and wound separations. (Doyle, Lysaght, & Reynolds, 2009) From a surgical perspective, obesity has long been considered a risk factor for adverse post- surgical outcomes as it is associated with pulmonary disorders including obesity hypoventilation syndrome, atelectasis and pulmonary embolism, as well as a possibility of cardiovascular, and wound healing complications. (Doyle, Lysaght, & Reynolds, 2009) Overweight patients are  also vulnerable to pressure ulcer formation due to positioning required for surgery therefore the perioperative nurse must provide adequate padding and other measures to protect the client’s skin. (Berman &, 2012). Obesity can increase the risk of wound dehiscence both directly by increasing tension on the fascial edges at the time of wound closure, a nd indirectly, by increasing the risk of wound infection which is also a risk factor for wound break downs. (Doyle, Lysaght, & Reynolds, 2009) Margaret is placed in a semi Fowlers position after she recovers from anaesthesia. Aside from being more comfortable and having less strain on the sutures, the patient will also be able to take deep breaths and cough more easily in this position. (deWit, 2009) The use of incentive spirometer and other respiratory devices (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) can also help to reduce the incidences of respiratory issues. Drainage must be checked frequently for signs of fresh bleeding, the drain is left in place as long as necessary and is then removed by the surgeon (deWit, 2009) The nurse needs to determine the colour, consistency and amount of drainage for all tubes and document accordingly (Berman &, 2012). Evaluate patency of all surgically placed tubes or drains. Monitor insertion sites for indications of infection. Warmth, swelling, tenderness and unusual drainage. (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011). The wearing of compression bandages and the promotion of calf pumping, ankle circling, and foot board- pressing exercises to encourage circulation and prevent thrombophlebitis in the lower extremities (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) Constipation can all be related to immobility, the use of opioid analgesics, dehydration and disruption of abdominal musculature. Auscultate each abdominal quadrant for at least 1 minute to determine presence of bowel sounds. Treatment is usually through stool softeners, high fibre diets and hydration (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011). Encouraging early and frequent ambulation can also help to improve gastrointestinal motility and to reduce abdominal distention by the accumulation of gases. (Monahan, Neighbors, & Green, 2011) As part of your role as a primary nurse for your patient, you are required to initiate discharge planning. Identify the allied health professional/s you would refer your case study patient to and discuss the rationale behind your referral, what treatment may this health professional/s provide. (300 Words) For Margaret’s discharge I would refer her to the following allied health professionals. Dietician- Would work with Margaret with the intention to assist her to reach optimal health and weight loss through food and nutrition. Providing expert nutritional advice for people of all ages and can prescribe dietary treatments for conditions such as obesity, diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases (Nutrition Australia, 2014) Post-acute care- Is a program that ensures a safe discharge for hospital by providing people with community based supports to help them recover in their home or community and to reduce the risk of readmission to hospital. Assessments of the persons needs are performed and includes the person’s healthcare and psychological needs. It includes community nursing, personal care, home care and allied health such as physiotherapy. (Monash Health, 2014) Wound care nurses or District nurses to help with: Client education for self-care †¢ Appropriate dressings/bandaging based on diagnosis and patient lifestyle preferences †¢ Cleansing and debridement of wound †¢ Hygiene (cleansing self and wound waterproofing as required) †¢ Diet (the importance of essential vitamins and minerals as required) †¢ Signs and symptoms of complications †¢ Bandaging/dressing techniques †¢ Exercise regimes †¢ Lifestyle factors/changes †¢ Disease process and health maintenance †¢ Prevention of recurrence (Fremantle Hospital and Health Service, 2012) †¢ Pain management †¢ Medications †¢ Analgesics †¢ Topical antimicrobials/antifungals †¢ Local anaesthetics †¢ Topical corticosteroids †¢ Oral antibiotics Follow up GP appoint to discuss any further issues and to remove any sutures if not done by the district nurses. References Berman, & (2012). Kozier and Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing. Frenchs Forest: Pearson. deWit, S. C. (2009). Medical- Surgical Nursing Concepts and Practice. Missouri: Saunders Elsevier. Doyle, S. L., Lysaght, J., & Reynolds, J. V. (2009). Diagonositc in Obesity and Complications. Obesity and post- operative complication undergoing non-bariatric surgery. Obesity Reviews, 875-886. Fremantle Hospital and Health Service. (2012). Nurse Practitioner Wound Management- Clinical Protocol Minor Surgical Procedures. Fremantle: Department of Health. Monahan, F. D., Neighbors, M., & Green, C. J. (2011). Swearingen’s Manual of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Care Planning Resource. Maryland Heights: Elesevier Mosby. Monash Health. (2014). A world of healthcare. Retrieved August 29, 2014, from Monash Health: Smeltzer, S. C., & Bare, B. G. (2011). Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (2nd Australian And New Zealand ed. ed.). (M. Farrell, & J. Dempsey, Eds.) Sydney: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pty Ltd.

Barriers to communication Essay Example for Free (#4)

Barriers to communication Essay 1.3 Identify barriers to effective communication A child, young person, their parent(s)/carer(s) or even a member of staff whose first language is foreign may make it harder for any communication spoken to them to be understood. They may only understand very small words of the language you’re speaking, so information will be harder to put across. For example; in my setting, there is a child who can understand what you are saying, but it seems, most of the time they seem very quiet. This may be due to their parent(s) being from a foreign country, so they may be able to communicate in their parent(s) language, but not in ours so may find it hard to communicate some of their needs/feelings. Someone may have a sensory deprivation – such as hearing or sight. This will make giving and receiving information harder to do – they may need an interpreter at all times for example. When talking to a service provider, they may use technical language that the service user may not understand which will make it harder for them to process the information and may worry what they have meant. Someone may be going through a difficult time that is making their emotions go all over the place – such as they may take things the wrong way, get upset easily, no full concentration and not trying as hard to complete/do things. Environmental/setting problems can cause a barrier for a communication – someone who may not be able to see very well will find it hard to read any written information in a dimly lit room. Or, for example, someone in a wheelchair can find it hard to communicate with someone if they are at a desk that is above the wheelchair users head. Barriers to communication. (2016, Aug 05). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 13, 2019

Neo-Classical Art and Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Neo-Classical Art and Romanticism - Essay Example It started as a response to the more flamboyant Rocco Art and its objective was to recuperate the Greco-Roman cultural values. Europe, Western France and England embodied this art style to express idealism, patriotism, ethics and civic virtue. The popularity of neoclassicism was caused by several happenings of that time such as the reputation of Rome which was growing increasingly and the discovery of old Roman cities by archeologists. This art form depicted and accentuated rationality and tradition. The first of these were Jacque-Louis David whose work the ‘Oath of the Horatii’ depicted three mythological warriors swearingloyalty to the Roman Republic (David & Dorothy, 87). Some other famous neoclassical pieces include ‘The Death of Marat’ and ‘Napoleon Crossing the Alps’. Romanticism was a reaction against the time of Enlightenment in the eighteenth century. Contrary to the neoclassical style, this style of art recognized humans as more emotional, complex and not that rational in a new civilization that was more materialistic, scientific and generally more urban. The famous artist from this period Jean-Jacques Rousseau laid down the basis of Romanticism by liberating the human emotions and showing a freedom of expression and thus challenging the rationality of the Enlightenment. Another popular artist who lead the Romantic Revolution was Eugene Delacroix. His masterpiece ‘Liberty Leading the People’ represented the French Revolution and the heroic splendor along with the ghastly destruction and chaos that was spread. In this generation of the Romantic artists who came after Napoleon and lived under Louis XVIII and Charles X were happy with the ‘petit revolution’ and regretted to have not seen the real grandeur and glory of t imes under Napoleon. Under Louis XVIII artists were free to paint whatever they wished and were unbound from Napoleon control. Theodore Gericault showed the incompetence of the new government with his

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Assay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Assay - Essay Example He replied that the symptoms manifested the day before, and that he has not had any medications as yet. He appeared to be a very healthy man in his forties. The pharmacist later revealed to me that the patient was a regular at the pharmacy. The patient’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels were within normal range and he did not suffer any medical conditions. After the interview, I observed that the pharmacist advised him to take Dimetapp which is an over-the-counter, no-drowse, cough and cold remedy. The pharmacist also advised him to increase his water intake in order to facilitate his recovery from his colds. A review of various articles and researches on the effectiveness of non-antibiotic remedies for cough and colds revealed that the most promising remedies for cough and colds include â€Å"dextromethorphan, bisolvon, and guiaphenesin for cough, antihistamine- decongestant combinations for a wide range of symptoms, nasal decongestants (at least for the first dose) and possibly zinc lozenges† (Arroll, p. 1478). Dimetapp is an antihistamine-decongestant, hence highly recommended for colds and cough. Another patient came in to buy a sedative nasal decongestant. I observed the pharmacist interview where the pharmacist asked him if he was taking any other medication, and he said he was taking Exxefor. I reviewed my knowledge of Exxefor and was able to establish that Exxefor is an antidepressant classified as an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor). It is a prescription drug for major depressive and anxiety disorders. This drug is also contraindicated for patients who are hypersensitive to Venlafaxine. I was further able to establish that the most common side-effects for Exxefor are the following: headache, nausea, insomnia, dry mouth, dizziness, and sweating. When taken with any sedative drug, the chances for the occurrence of these side-effects would increase. I then understood why the